How To Finally Lose Weight Even If You Drink Alcohol

Greetings and welcome to my blog. We are going to talk about how to finally lose weight, so let's get started.

I'll show you in a moment, How To Finally Lose Weight Even If You Drink Alcohol

If you've given up your booze and want to lose weight, start with a pat on your back. You're well done! Just don't celebrate with a drink! If you have a weight problem, giving up alcohol is a very sensible thing to do and it will significantly help your efforts at weight loss.


There is a lot of nonsense about alcohol and weight being talked about. The most common statement is 'Alcohol Makes You Fat.' This isn't true. It is not alcohol that makes you fat. 'Alcohol prevents you from losing weight' to put it in a better way.

What does that imply? Well, alcohol does not contain carbohydrates .The body can not store the energy from the alcohol you consume without any carbohydrates. Alcohol creates a problem for your body. What your body does is convert the energy (calories) into acetate from the alcohol you consume. In the blood stream, this acetate remains and is not absorbed.

Your body then burns off the acetate in your system as quickly as it can in the face of all this excess energy. Preferably, it uses acetate energy, instead of the energy you have already stored. It's not difficult to see that your body isn't going to burn fat if you drink a lot of alcohol, it's going to burn acetate. That fat builds up over time. This is how you get fat - especially if you are eating the wrong type of food on top of that.

Don't go on a diet if you want to lose weight. The weight you lose, if you do, will come back again. What you need to do, if you are going to lose weight and keep it off, is to learn new habits, slim habits.

You gave up the bad drinking habit, now you need to recognize any other bad habits that make you fat and learn new, slim habits. You will be able to permanently lose weight by making changes. In giving up alcohol, you have shown great resolve to translate this success into weight loss. You're able to do it!

Let us know your thoughts below in the comment section.

In the next blog we will talk about, How To Lose Weight When You Love Food Even If You Hate Vegetables And Exercise.

Thank you and see you guys in the next blog.

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